What is RetireReady NJ?
RetireReady NJ is a new state-administered retirement savings program created by the New Jersey Secure Choice Savings Program Act. Many private-sector workers in New Jersey do not have access to a retirement plan through their employers. This creates a retirement savings gap for many citizens of New Jersey. RetireReady NJ aims to make saving for retirement easy and attainable for New Jerseyans affected by this retirement savings gap. With RetireReady NJ, businesses can help their employees save for retirement in an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) through convenient payroll deductions.
Once the program fully launches, New Jersey businesses with 25 or more employees, who have been in business for two years or more, and do not currently offer a qualified retirement plan will be required to register with the program. Their employees will be allowed to participate and begin saving for retirement. Individuals who work for other employers or who are self-employed will also be able to sign up directly with RetireReady NJ.
We are excited to announce that the full program launch is scheduled for June 30, 2024. Visit RetireReady.nj.gov for more information!